Learn about my services

  • The things that helped you succeed in the past may not work for you as your career evolves. New thinking and doing things differently can have a positive impact on your work and life, but these take discipline, time and practice to develop.

    One-on-one executive coaching sessions tailored to your circumstances are available in blocks of four, six and nine sessions to help you focus on your important priorities and take action.

  • The number one task performed on LinkedIn today is looking up people’s profiles. If you’re absent or your profile is unprofessional or incomplete, how does this reflect on your value proposition and brand?

    Build your credibility as a socially engaged leader. In two one-hour sessions, I will help you build a safe and smart digital footprint.

  • Supporting your people to build their social media capability is essential in the digital age. In a team setting, I will help them learn how to build a best practice LinkedIn profile, showcase their expert brand, and be better brand ambassadors. Choose from face-to-face and online presentations or hands-on workshops.

  • In an ever-changing environment, it’s wise to be visible and well-networked outside your workplace. Further, in an online world, people’s perception of your digital presence matters.

    Before you look for your next opportunity, position yourself on social media as the expert you want to be. In a one-hour session, I’ll help you sharpen your LinkedIn profile and find your expert voice.

    Upon request, I can also review your resume, and get you ‘fit’ to apply for your dream job.

  • The world of hybrid work is making it challenging for leaders to mobilise their people around what truly matters. In this environment, I help business leaders to design and implement communication strategies that engage people and help your business move ahead.

    Contact me to find out how I can support you to address your organisation’s most pressing communication challenges.