Social media, Personal brand Rita Zonius Social media, Personal brand Rita Zonius

Don’t spray, stay or stray. Understand your audience

So you have some interesting knowledge and insights to share? That’s great, but don’t risk it falling flat because you haven’t found or understood your audience.

So you have some interesting knowledge and insights to share? That’s great, but don’t risk it falling flat because you haven’t found or understood your audience.

Social media technologies have made it easy for us to share whatever we want, with whomever we want, whenever we want. It happens in an instant and can feel enormously gratifying. Yay!

The problem is:, in this hyper-connected world many people are acting without considering their audience. They are engaging in a practice I like to call “spray, stay or stray”:

  • SPRAY: You shout into a megaphone and hope someone will hear your voice. You don’t know who your audience should be, so think everyone should hear your message.

  • STAY: You limit your voice, unsure of who will value what you know. You have something of value to share, but are unsure where to find your audience. 

  • STRAY: Your voice is confused and chaotic. You are unclear what you want to say, so you bombard your audience with multiple, mixed messages.

While it can be tempting to just get your ‘stuff’ out there, it’s worth pausing and considering who you want to share what you know with.

Here are four questions to ask yourself to help you define and find your audience.

1) Who will gain the most value from what I know?

Write down who’ll be interested in your subject matter. This could be colleagues in your organisation or people who do similar work to you elsewhere. Depending on the insights you want to share, your audience might be completely unrelated to your day job. That’s OK.

2) Why is this the right audience?

You cannot be all things to all people, so prioritise your audiences. They should sit at the intersection of the insights you want to share and your professional and personal objectives. Ideally, you’re learning from your audience at the same time that you’re sharing what you know.

3) Where is my audience?

Find where the ‘party’ is already happening and join the conversation. Research hashtags related to your topics in target platforms. While LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional platform, don’t overlook your company’s enterprise social network if your audiences are internal. Attend relevant events. Say ‘yes’ if asked to present on your subject at an event.

4) What do I want to tell my audience?

To avoid ‘straying’, be clear about what you want to tell your audience. If you’ve done the work upfront to identify the core insights you want to share, this step involves crafting 2 or 3 bite-sized messages carrying knowledge, opinion or advice (or a combination) aimed at each audience. These will sit at the heart of what you communicate. Mobilise your writing around these messages in your post, article or presentation.

Text at the top of picture reads: Who you share your voice with matters in social media engagement. Image below is a funnel with 3 balls in it labelled: My Insights, My Voice & My Brand. Coming out of the funnel are the words: My Impact & influence.

Sharing your voice with an audience isn’t a performance. The reality is: connecting with your audience is more like immersive art. When you get it right, it’s mesmerising and engaging, and your audience will feel part of something important.  

I took the photo featured in this post at THE LUME Melbourne, a multi-sensory digital art gallery, which opened last year with Van Gough Alive. Immersed myself in Van Gough’s world while perched at his ‘Night Café’ drinking bubbles with my partner. Connection with the audience well and truly nailed!

Sharing what we know over time builds our impact and influence. If you’re absent from social media or your profile is unprofessional, how does this reflect on your value proposition and personal brand? If you’d like to build your credibility as a socially engaged leader, get in touch.

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Social media, Personal brand Rita Zonius Social media, Personal brand Rita Zonius

Know your stuff? Don’t be scared. Your insights matter more than you think

While laying our insights and opinions bare for anyone to see in social media can be a scary thing, there's plenty of upside. No matter what your job role is, or how senior or junior you may be, what you know will be valued by others. Here's how to identify the knowledge and insights you want to share.

We all happily pass on our knowledge, insights and advice to friends, family and people we work with, yet many of us hesitate to share our thinking via social media platforms. Why?

Perhaps it's because we believe we’re not senior enough or that no one will be interested in what we think; that what we know isn’t very exciting or helpful. Or we may worry that we’ll come across as a show-off. After all, social media makes our thinking available for anyone to critique or cut down.

While laying our insights and opinions bare for anyone to see can be a scary thing, there is plenty of upside. 

Sharing what we know over time builds our impact and influence.

Meaningful participation in social media begins with identifying the core topics or 'pillars' of knowledge and insights that you want to share. I suggest you narrow it down to 3-4 themes. To help identify these, ask:

  • What are you most interested in? Think about what excites you, both in and outside of work.

  • What are you good at? Others will be keen to know how you built this expertise and will be interested in your tips and insights.

  • What experiences and lessons can you share? The things you have learnt can be helpful to others starting out.

People who are successful in sharing their insights in social media consistently share knowledge, opinion and advice related to their core topics. Importantly, platforms like LinkedIn are increasingly prioritising these posts over the empty, humble brag.

No matter what your job role is, or how senior or junior you may be, what you know will be valued by others.

There is a ready audience interested in what you know. There are people out there who will benefit from your insights. Sit down and figure out what those areas of interest will be for you. What do you want to be known for?

Text at the top of picture reads: Your insights matter in social media engagement. Image below that text is a funnel with 3 balls in it labelled: My Insights, My Voice and My Brand. Coming out of the funnel are the words: My Impact & influence.

If you’re absent from social media or your profile is unprofessional, how does this reflect on your value proposition and personal brand? If you’d like to build your credibility as a socially engaged leader, get in touch.

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Social media, Personal brand Rita Zonius Social media, Personal brand Rita Zonius

Sharing what you know has got its sexy back

With LinkedIn prioritising posts featuring knowledge and advice, there’s never been a better time to share what you know.

After complaints from users saying they were tired of seeing too many selfies and humble brag posts devoid of knowledge or advice, LinkedIn has made changes to its algorithm to reconnect platform members to content that will help them feel more productive and successful.

This means posts sharing knowledge and advice has got its sexy back and will once again be prioritised across the platform.

You can read comments from LinkedIn Editor in Chief Dan Roth about the changes to the algorithm here.

This is a great move by LinkedIn and reinforces that the platform is not a popularity contest. As a subject matter expert, sharing what you know and building a community around that will be rewarded.

Yet, many people are still uncomfortable about putting their thinking ‘out there’ to be critiqued. Or they feel that they’re engaging in impolite bragging.

I understand making ourselves vulnerable isn’t a great feeling. However, we live in a connected world, so unless you share what you know, how will anyone know that you know it?

Here are seven reasons why it makes sense to take a deep breath and start sharing your content, insights and perspectives:

  1. Sharing demonstrates what you care about and how you think about your subject matter. It’s your value proposition or ‘shop front’ on display and can provide a reason for someone to connect with you.

  2. Sharing something that’s common-sense to you could be a revelation to someone else. You know more about your subject matter than you give yourself credit for. Don’t underestimate the value of your knowledge.

  3. Sharing what you know is a generous thing to do. Rather than hoarding information, sharing it with another person who knows less about a topic than you do will help you build your impact and influence.

  4. Sharing what you know in social media opens the door to two-way conversation. Engaging with others in what you share could lead you to understand your own experiences and subject matter from a new and different perspective.

  5. Sharing helps you to expand your network beyond the usual suspects. When you participate in social media, over time you’ll be discovered by people you don’t know, but who are interested in the way you think.

  6. Sharing could help you manage your reputation in a tough time. Should the train crash for you one day, your reputation may remain intact if you’ve left a sensible social media presence in your wake.

  7. Sharing can help boost staff engagement. Employees are proud of leaders who speak out on important issues, making social media a valuable internal communication channel. Leaders who engage in social make it Ok for the rest of us to join in too.

Text at the top of picture reads: Take control of your social media engagement. Image below that text is a funnel with 3 balls in it labelled: My Insights, My Voice and My Brand. Coming out of the funnel are the words: My Impact & influence.

With LinkedIn prioritising posts featuring knowledge and advice, there’s never been a better time to share what you know. Give it a go. I guarantee you’ll get back just as much as you give.

If you’re absent from social media or your profile is unprofessional, how does this reflect on your value proposition and personal brand? If you’d like to build your credibility as a socially engaged leader, get in touch.

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Influence Rita Zonius Influence Rita Zonius

Winner yesterday? Your game plan may not work in the future

Sometimes in work and life, when things get hectic of stressful, we lean on the same old tactics to get things done, and then we’re surprised or disappointed when we don’t get the outcome we want. Executive coaching can help.

Recently my partner Darren and I were playing Monopoly with my son, Oliver.

Things began well. We were all buying properties, putting houses on the board, collecting rent, and so on. It was a relaxing Saturday night activity.

Rolling the dice to his advantage Oliver had a competitive fire in his eyes as he engaged in a scorched earth strategy to wipe us off the board.

I was about to go bankrupt. Darren was hanging on by a thread. The game was going to be over in a flash.

Darren asked Ollie: “Why don’t you make some deals with us so that we can all keep playing the game?”

Oliver said: “Why would I do that? I want to win!”

Darren replied: “But then the game is over, and the only person around the table who’ll be happy is you. Winning at all costs is not always the best strategy.”

Ollie smashed us and that was the end of the game.

He did think about what Darren had said to him though.

On reflection, Ollie admitted that the game was over too soon. Perhaps the behaviour that usually made Ollie successful in playground games isn’t necessarily going to work in a family game of Monopoly. Ollie learned that he probably still could have won that game and kept us engaged at the same time, instead of leaving us in his wake. Then, Darren and I would be more inclined to play Monopoly with him again in future.

Sometimes in work and life, when things get hectic of stressful, we lean on the same old tactics to get things done, and then we’re surprised or disappointed when we don’t get the outcome we want. We operate in isolation, instead of remembering we’re part of a bigger system.

If this is happening to you, stop and reflect on these three things:

  • Mindset. Are you taking the time to learn about yourself? What thoughts could be helping or hindering your professional progress?

  • Behaviour. Are you clear about what you want to achieve? If so, are you taking action in the right areas?

  • Influence. Are you credible in your dealings with key people? How does your professional style affect the way you’re perceived?

Coaching matters. Venn diagram featuring: Mindset (what are you learning about yourself?), Behaviour (are you focused on the right things?) and Influence (what do your stakeholders think of you?). At the centre of the Venn diagram is Impact.

Setting aside time to focus on your mindset, behaviour and influence through executive coaching is a lot like learning to play a smarter game of Monopoly. With discipline and practice, over time you’ll become more resilient and curious to try new ways of doing things. Above all, you’ll make an impact. The game will be more satisfying and you won’t be the only winner.

I’m a certified executive coach, helping leaders be the best they can be, for themselves and the people they serve. If you’re interested in executive coaching, get in touch.

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